Do you need some Aloe for that burn?
Do you need some Aloe for that burn?
22/7 WiKiDo you see the lack of emotions in my eyes while I’m eating?
This is what happens when you take happiness away from food. This restaurant served me food for rabbits. 🥗 🥗
Im hurting inside.
You know what hurt more though? I look over to my left and my mom’s eating pizza with a fork and knife 🍕
🦓👩🏻 🦒 wow. Unbelievable.
Anyway I’m peacefully shoving my face in pizza 🍕 when the ball of sunshine(my cousin) sitting across from me starts talking about how much oil comes out of one slice of pizza like
“You know that one slice has like XX amount of oil in it? I thought you were on a diet❤️“
thanks for telling me👶🏻 I was actually gonna use all that oil to spit fire at you later so why don’t you order aloe along with your salad 🥗
My cousin and I are practically best friends so it’s okay for us to be mean to each other but damnnnnn chill~ so much shade at lunch today~😎😎😎
Got some beef with me? Bring it to dinner what kind of roast do you want? ❤️
Also I came home early thinking somebody would be here but I guess not so I’m locked out of my grandma’s house with a mini hot dog in hand.
I bought this mini hotdog for a souvenir but I don’t know how long I’m gonna be stranded out here so Imma eat it now.
Okie~ das all for today~
I’m having a stream at 7PM japan time later so come talk to me~ I have no friends~
Bonus picture:
Me 🎵 making my way downtown 🎶 like the fashion icon I am. Damn look at me wrapping my hoodie around my waist to make up for the lack of affection I get from my piers.
Haven’t done this in a while:
~ Twitter Section ~
Okay okay okay~ wowwwww um excuse me???
Lon announced another member and IM SCREAMING!!!??? MY HIGH NOTE WAS SO GOOD MARIAH CARREY DMED ME???
ALSO WAN** *** Trailer TOO LIKE??? inhales keeps inhaling BOI. Like a boomerONG!!!!!
ALSO B** hitting us with their Japanese song like???? THAT HIGH NOTE?? EXCUSE ME??? Suddenly Mariah Carrey left me DM and @ ed them instead??
ALSO~ PRODUCE 48 MEMBERS ANNOUNCED (slightly offended that I’m not in it but that’s okay no shade here. You know what? Can somebody just make a video on YouTube like “PRODUCE 48 MEMBERS ANNOUNCED” and just throw a picture of me in there somewhere too. 🙏 thanks //you heard nothing from me//)
But anyway I hope this time we can vote from overseas too??
Okay that’s all for today~ bye~~~
(I’m still waiting outside my grandma’s house btw)