Title: English Blog
Title: English Blog
22/7 WiKi(#wokeuplikethis because I’m always woke about the corrupted society we’re all stranded under)
Has it been a while since I’ve written an English blog? 😮
Let me explain. My life for the past couple of weeks has been nothing but rehearsals and stuff so I had nothing to write about you feel?
As you can see in the picture above, I’m either rehearsing, reading fanfics, hyping up my biases, having an emotional breakdown, or sleeping.
I’m kind of a talented individual that sometimes I can read fanfics while having an emotional breakdown along with streaming videos for my biases.
Anyways, thank you for those of you that came to the live event the other day. If you couldn’t come this time, ILL SEE YOU NEXT TIME!
I would post backstage pictures of the members but I looked through my phone and noticed that I only took pictures of myself with food…. exhibit A: this tower of snacks hyped me up too much I smuggled about 6 in my bag when no one was looking.
ALSO MY MANAGER TOLD ME I CAN CUT MY HAIR SHORT!!! But now that I got the permission to do so… I don’t feel like doing it anymore… now I need something new to bug her with… what don’t I have permission to do right now… I should bug them to let me have my own twitter. Imagine. THE FREEDOM. DAMN I SWEAR I WOULD PROMOTE MY GROUP (and my biases) SO WELL. Can we make a petition? Where do I start petitions?
Okay we’re getting off topic here. (JK We never had a topic) But okay, let me fill you guys in with my current life.
They’re making a TacoBell close to where I live soon so that’s whats keeping me alive right now. Literally that’s one of the only things keeping me from losing my mind in this corrupted world. Also Donald McDonald is having a sale with their large size fries so I would like to thank god for that as well. If only they could bring in sweet and sour sauce over here too….
I’m going to end my blog here for now cuz I’m getting hungry
Good night~