I was almost ended

So apparently I had rehearsals today but I didn’t know about it???

Okay no. I got the schedule sent to me but the way it was formatted made it look like I had nothing on Wednesday and rehearsals were on Thursday or something. 

BUT NOOOOO It was today. 

enter dramatic music 

I kid you not I had a legit heart attack, instead of getting ready to leave, I was thinking of excuses I can tell my manager for why I’ll be late

Tell me which one would work:  

  1. Day6’s Japan debut single was too lit it took a while for me to put the fire out. 

  2. I’ve been waiting for the hixtape to drop and lost track of time

  3. Yoongi’s selca ended me and I just gained back my conscious 

  4. These boots were made for walking so I couldn’t run to be on time

Technically all these excuses are very true but which one sounds the most professional? 

Please help. I went to public school, I don’t know professional late excuses. My teachers always let me off the hook with cheap donuts 🍩 

I’m not ready for the real world. I’m going back to the wild. Bye 👋 

It’s still the 20th in America with the time difference so imma fly my ass there right now and fight my manager saying I’m techinically not late for the rehearsal on the 21st. 

It’s okay guys! I got this! I’m writing this on the train right now so there’s a 0.09% of me actually making it on time! Wish me luck.