クラクラ倉岡K.O (eng,&日本語)


Everyone complimented my outfit at work today so I dragged Mizuha to the bathroom because it was the only place with good lighting for me to take an outfit pic. 

Oh god ignore the fact that I’m not wearing shoes. I feel like a freakin animal. I just noticed I wasn’t wearing shoes 👞 

Me: “Yo follow me”

Mizuha: “why?”

Me: “illegal business”

Mizuha: “really?” excited


Me: “here. Take a pic”

Mizuha: “what?” 

Me: “outfit pic. Please take it.”

Mizuha: “what about the illegal business” 

Me: “Why would you think- what? I’m concerned you actually followed me here for illegal business” 

Mizuha: 🌚      🌝 :Me

Mizuha: 🌜      🌛:Me

After work, when everyone else went to the station, Mizuha and I were gonna go to a cafe to study….but then we saw TacoBell right next door…. so obviously we chose what all intellectuals would do 

Hello TacoBell 🌮 
Wanna know why I’m here after work when I could be in the comfort of my covers? Well~ turns out my mom’s in my room right now which looks disasterous so I’m staying out as long as I can. I’m not about to have my mom end my existence this very day. So I’m seeking shelter at Taco Bell 🌮 🛎 I can’t even remember what’s in my room but I know it’s nothing a Japanese girl raised in a conservative household should have so~ 🤷🏻‍♀️Maybe if I stay long enough, my mom would forget that she ever had a daughter and I can introduce myself to her as the new resident or something. Yeah let’s go with that plan. 

あ〜 みずはん大好き❤基本3人以上でないと自分が会話回さなきゃ!って慌てて気を使うことが多いから、2人だけで出かけられる子が少ないんだけど、みずはんは数少ない居心地がいい人間や





って言われたので手相を合わせて 👏 力を注入!!!届けえええ










She legit passed out in the middle of TacoBell. She left me. What am I supposed to do now. I’ve only got me, myself, and I and those three are my least favorite people. 

Send help. I’m sending Moe to come pick her up lol 

I’m having a showroom at 4pm japan time so come talk to me again okay???? 

See you!!! 

Okay wait just as I was gonna end this blog, Mizuha wakes up from her nap trippin like crazy I can’t stop laughing. Send help 🤣

She’s busting out rice balls in the middle of TacoBell what is she doing 😂

Okay. I’m gonna go now. SEE YOU GUYS~